Automation enables manufacturer to improve quality by producing constant results through robotic repeatability and accurate programming. Reduced cost will also be achieved through lower rates of rejects and through elimination of excessive and increasing labor cost.
We are capable to integrate robotics into your System and automate your manufacturing process, ranging from simple handling task, to a more complex one such as accurate spraying or sealing applications.

Starting from a simple painting system with a spray gun applicator, to a more integrated system with reciprocator or robotic applicator; choosing the right system configurations is crucial for the quality, productivity, flexibility and cost-effectiveness of your production line.
We are capable to determine which automated painting and sealing system suits our customers production needs and implement it to the existing system.

PCS is one of the most impacting factors on product’s painting overall quality. One way to satisfy your customer is to give a consistent high quality paint output on every product. Integrating the right paint material with the right pump, piping, and mixing system is crucial to achieve high quality paint finish.
ESAutomation’s engineers have been in PCS business since early 2000 and we are here to help our customer achieve painting excellence.

Dealing with high viscosity material requires a lot of consideration. To have a good dispensing output we need to choose the right pump. To get the most efficient tact time the right pump ratio need to be determined; to maintain finish quality and prevent fluctuation, a proper heated hose should be integrated.
With our multiple experience in this field, we are capable to engineer an effective and efficient high viscosity supply system that enables a high quality - high output production rate.